The Name, Logo & Slogan

Officially founded in 2019, the business name, TopKnot DediKations, was chosen for two reasons: 1) TopKnot is simply a direct reference to the women's hairstyles on each of the cards (which, again, mimic my own bun or topknot), and 2) DediKations, is in reference to the music that plays in the background when I'm drawing.
When I finished what I thought was a simple but wonderful logo, I felt it still needed something. So I piddled a little more, and the outline of a butterfly began to emerge (which I, subsequently, shaded in yellow, my favorite color). I suppose it’s symbolic of the warmth and fuzziness I still get when I listen to my favorite love songs.
After tossing around a few ideas for a slogan, I settled on "DON’T COMPROMISE. GIVE 'EM BUTTERFLIES." This would align with one of my missions, which is two-fold... to bring YOU joy by making SOMEONE ELSE'S heart flutter.